Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving

I come from a big family.  My husband is in the military so we moved over a thousand miles away to his duty station.  No family around.  How will I survive these holidays?

Luckily my youngest sister was willing to come keep me company for Thanksgiving.  I was never responsible for cooking a Thanksgiving meal before.  Usually, the meal is hosted at a family members house and everyone brings their special dish and you eat yourself into a coma.  I never observed anyone actually cooking all these dishes.  I was very intimidated as I rolled up my sleeves to start cooking today.  Luckily a Army Wife buddy joined us to teach me how to cook green bean casserole and candied yams.  There are so many recipes online.  A hands on cooking lesson was definitely ideal for me.

I seasoned the Turkey drumsticks with traditional Puerto-Rican seasonings: sazon, adobo, sofrito, and recaito.  Then I added some popular seasonings like Italian seasoning, sage, garlic, & onion.  A lil bit of water and Viola!  It was juicy and delicious.  I was so proud of myself.

We also made corn on the cob, corn bread stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, candied yams, green salad and of course Pumpkin Pie w/whip cream on top.  I will most likely not have to cook for a few days.  I have been glued to my futon for hours, no thanks to too much food and a few glasses of wine.  I definitely need to exercise extra hard for the rest of the week.

I was a lil homesick and missing my loved ones.  However, soooo grateful for who I was able to share this Thanksgiving with.  My dog "Cherub" and his new girlfriend lol (Army Wife buddy's dog) provided us with hours of entertainment.  I need to put up the pics of these two together.

I adopted Cherub (the lil yorkie) only a couple weeks ago.  Today I learned he has a serious horn dog issue.  Lol! 

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