Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Calming down after a stressful day

Today was one of those roller coaster days for me.  I let my frustration get the best of me.  In the heat of the moment it is sometimes difficult to remember there are two sides to every story.  Also hard to remember that it is best to do your research before making assumptions.  Either way I allowed myself to become upset.  End result I ended up feeling like a fool but my adrenaline was still pumping thru me and I could not relax.

1) I frequently find that 15 minute or longer if possible, bubble baths are a GREAT help.  I poured some of my Avon Bubble Bath (vanilla cream is my favorite right now) and let the water run & bubbles grow.  

2) While sitting in the warm bubbles I just did some breathing exercises.  Deep breaths in, held it, then out.  Allowing myself to relax and enjoy the bubbly, warm and silky water.  I also have a massaging bath pillow which does wonders.  (I got it at Wal-Mart $19)

3) I like to pray, other people meditate while others do both.  This is very tranquilizing.  Don't get me wrong it takes effort especially if you are really stressed/angry/sad/etc but it does help.  Focussing your attention on something other than ruminating on your current emotional state.

4) I absolutely love scented candles.  Candles, potpourri, scented oil and other forms of aroma-therapy aren't successful for nothing.  Find a scent that you enjoy and puts you at ease! 
A lil psych 101 olfactory memories (scent memories) are very powerful.  Ever walk by someone wearing cologne/perfume and have a wave of flashbacks?  Smell freshly baked cookies and your stomach starts growling?  Smells have the ability to change moods, trigger memory and create physiological responses.  

5) Play some music in the background to get your mind off it.  You might need a relaxing song to chill out.  Or a energetic song, that makes you dance, sing, act a fool and cheer up.

6) Talk to someone.  No one around available? Talk to your pet.  Sometimes you just need get it out, say it out loud.  And sometimes someone else's advice or encouragement or a funny joke is all you need to hear.

7) Journaling.  If anyone reads my journal they will probably think I am a angry person.  I tend to journal when feeling a severe negative emotion.  Sometimes writing thoughts that would be hurtful to say helps.  Come back to it a couple days later, see if you feel the same way.  (Keep these private!) I usually say Wow! I am glad I kept that to myself, I cant believe I let that get to me.  I need to work on regulating my emotions.

There are several other things you can do....These are the ones that work best for me :-)

Contact me for bubble bath and more!

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